Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Laughing Scared Lite

Here's the deal. I have a huge brag to get off my chest, but it has nothing to do with Horror. The best I can do to try and skew it in the right direction is put up this picture of a guy holding a bio-hazard bag of human fat recovered from a crime scene and tell you that within the last four weeks I have lost 20+ pounds while dieting and running my freaking ass off on the local jogging paths. That's t w e n t y. That's 245 lbs. instead of 267. gross.


  1. That is awesome! Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment, so many people struggle.

  2. thanks! RQH, if I had a few pics of me out huffing and puffing along the trail, I could show you 'struggle'--not pretty
