Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Face It

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. Cool, I get that. I just hope the beholder is looking at my face because I am nursing a decent beerpizzaburger belly these days. Thanks to the extra weight, here I sit, gimped by a stress fracture in my leg from jogging ... jogging because I am working on that buff body shape I think I need. Shazam! Come to find out, it's about the face. Here is a study that presents hope for the bodily challenged, for the misshapen. Not that I want to let my body go ... any more than I have ... but I can't imagine getting all Jabba the Hut fat folds and jiggles and still being appealing regardless of my kisser. True, I'm not Nick Cave hot, but compared to the rest of me, my face is probably the lesser of two evils. Anyway, let's all raise our cracked glasses and drink to Erik (aka Phantom of the Opera) and all monsters who, butt for their faces, might have done alright with the ladies. Dig the Phantom's moisty complexion.


  1. Zena, thanks. We're drinking Arrogant Bastard from Stone Brewery, but if you wish for something else, let me know. :)
