first real look I have found anyway ... if you have more on this (I have seen the collage shots images) please hook me up

Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Did You Overlook Any of these Gems
Here's an overlooked gems list of horror films. (One of the rare occasions that I have actually seen the titles on an "overlooked" list.) Well, to each his own as they say, but IMO the only real gems here are Grace and Pontypool -- both of which are available as watch instantly movies on Netflix if you're a member.
If you had to throw out a couple titles that you suspect might have been "overlooked" in the last ten years, what would you pick? I would name Thirst (Korean), a wild take on vampires, and The Dorm (Thai), a sweet but uber scary ghost story.
If you had to throw out a couple titles that you suspect might have been "overlooked" in the last ten years, what would you pick? I would name Thirst (Korean), a wild take on vampires, and The Dorm (Thai), a sweet but uber scary ghost story.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Halloween in February ... well sort of
Leave it to merchandising to steal the film's thunder-- and just like me to perpetuate the problem by posting it here. It's a shot of the mask from a Halloween costume of all things based on the upcoming Lizard design from The Amazing Spider Man. As I have said in the past (drooling) I love the Lizard. Always my favorite creature villain from the cartoon, and I have to say this take on his look is really promising IMO. Looks lovingly close to the original. Way back, before all the snouts and gator raptor like fusions that appear in the comics of late. If you want to see more body parts from the costume, bite here.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
11 Miles & Crashing
Yesterday I made my second attempt at running 13 miles – training for a Half Marathon. I can do 10 pretty easily now, usually once or twice a month so 13 seems so doable, and yet the first time I set out to do it I fell apart around 9. Go figure. Yesterday, I made it over the 10 mile hump and up to 11 before running out of steam. The more I think about it, the less I think I care if I can run 13 miles. Maybe that’s just the voice of defeat in my ear from yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I will feel like it’s the most important thing I have to do. Fact is, I don’t even know anymore how this particular mission became a mission for me. Talking with other runner’s perhaps? Might be time to let it go and just run my 10 milers for the fun of it.
The picture shows part of my route - which is essentially a stretch of what around here we call the Towpath Trail. I ran right through this very spot yesterday, minus all the warm green colors.
The picture shows part of my route - which is essentially a stretch of what around here we call the Towpath Trail. I ran right through this very spot yesterday, minus all the warm green colors.
Here are the numbers pulled from my Garmin ...
Distance: | 11.10 mi |
Time: | 2:05:56 |
Avg Pace: | 11:21 min/mi |
Elevation Gain: | 127 ft |
Calories: | 2,037 C |
Time: | 2:05:56 |
Moving Time: | 2:05:11 |
Elapsed Time: | 2:05:56 |
Avg Pace: | 11:21 min/mi |
Avg Moving Pace: | 11:17 min/mi |
Best Pace: | 8:45 min/mi |
Elevation Gain: | 127 ft |
Elevation Loss: | 146 ft |
MinElevation: | 694 ft |
MaxElevation: | 881 ft |
Anyway, I would like to thank the following bands for helping me hit 11 yesterday.
Sisters of Mercy
The Cure
Black Eyed Peas
Tom Waits
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Lizard, new Spider Man Trailer
Probably because he is the most monstrous, The Lizard has always been high on my list of Spider Man villains. With the new trailer that came out overnight, you can finally get a quick peek at the Lizard in action. Loved the Rami movies (less so the 3rd) and am looking forward to this like every diehard Spidey fan. Check out the trailer here.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thale, the Trailer
A lady with a tail? A some weird uber creepy creature that reminds me of the skinny, diapered zombie wreck from REC? I'm in. Check out the trailer for this Norwegian fantasy/horror movie.ere
Friday, January 20, 2012
Walking Dogs - Shiver
I want to let you in on a little secret. You know what really scares me? Sure, there is the usual stuff like politicians, cancer, Kardashians, and liver, but also dogs. More specifically, dogs walking upright, like people. Cute, clever, endearing? Some would say, but not me. In the context of a circus maybe, but just out and about? No freaking thanks.
There was a time when I would try and watch America’s Funniest Home videos, but too often there would be a clip of a dog walking around and I would have to look away or, as I decided, just to never watch the show. Don’t get me wrong. I love dogs (and cats) but when they walk around on hind legs, well, my skin crawls a little. It’s unnatural and unnerving. Does it creep you out?
Here in the blogosphere we spend a lot of time talking about books and movies that scare us, but how bout the other stuff. Do you have a “walking dog” type scare that you can share?
Here in the blogosphere we spend a lot of time talking about books and movies that scare us, but how bout the other stuff. Do you have a “walking dog” type scare that you can share?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Don't Order the Blue Crab
Here's an old post -- the source of this pretty little photo collage. Are you curious? Have a look, just don't eat the Blue Crab. So looking forward to this.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Legendary Pictures Godzilla Art Concept - Not
If you are tracking the new Godzilla movie in the works (very early stages of in the works) you might like to read about these two art concepts that were rejected. I think the top one is pretty good actually, but who knows what beef someone had with it. Much closer to the original than that crazy f------ mess Emmerich fathered into filmdom.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Dolls Parts
Here's a little creepy-ass eye candy for those of you who get doll willies ... for more, click here.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Role Reversal -- Creatures Beware
I would love to see Julie Adams cradling the Creature from the Black Lagoon in her arms. Doesn't work with the overall premise behind the poster here, but would still be funny. A little. Click here to see a few more and to get the scoop behind tiny Kong. Would love to see a whole series (more than 3) of these.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Robert Aickman - Horror Master
Have you ever read Robert Aickman? I hope so.

Here are a few strokes for Aickman by two very good horror writers:
“Robert Aickman has a gift for depicting the eerie areas of inner space, the churning storms and silent overcasts that engulf the minds of lonely and alienated people. He is a weatherman of the subconscious.”
--Fritz Leiber
“Robert Aickman is incomparable - a genuinely authentic original and an absolute master of psychological fiction.”
--Dennis Etchison
Side note: I can’t prove it, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Etchison’s incredibly good story “It Only Comes Out at Night” and then again “The Dog Park” aren’t guided in part by Aickman’s hand.
Here’s a quotation from Aickman:
"I do not regard my work as 'fantasy' at all, except, perhaps, for commercial purposes. I try to depict the world as I see it ... I care about the literary art, and I know exactly what the Ancients meant by 'the promptings of the Muse'. The stories which I consider to be my most successful came to me as if dictated... The true ghost story is akin to poetry: only in part is it a conscious construction, and when the Muse does not speak, you cannot write it."
-- “An Essay”
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Horror Stories - What to Leave Out & Jeffrey Ford
My reading has reached junkie proportions now and shows no signs of letting up; in fact, the list of books "in transit" that I requested through our local library and its partners (Search Ohio and Ohio Link) is mighty hefty indeed (Think I'll just back a truck up to the library).
Actually, many of the books on this list fall under headings such as Fantastic (in the tradition of the weird tale perhaps) & Fantasy -- not "horror" -- though guys like Evenson regularly end up in Best Of horror anthologies. But these are all slippery terms so why bother I suppose.
Much of what I have been reading is more traditional horror (creature, supernatural, etc.) from various anthologies--quite a few of which seem pretty uneven cover to cover, with four or so really good stories, some mediocre, and some just plain old duds. By 'really good' I mean both very well written and very scary; but too many of the stories are painfully overwritten IMO. Details elaborated on or explained that don't need elaboration. Events or happenings interpreted that don't need interpretation. I mean, what the hell, you just gotta trust the reader to make some leaps and "get it" along the way. Otherwise you end up writing a map complete with a "let me spell everything out for you" legend it seems, not so much a story. One collection I recently finished, Jeffrey Ford' Empire of Ice Cream, had 3 superb stories: The Beautiful Gilreesh, Boatman'sHoliday and The Trentino Kid.
I think about Carol Emshwiller and a short piece she penned on writing rules to break, specifically the "leaving out" idea would benefit some of these stories I have been reading. If you have read any of the books on the list above, would love to hear your thoughts.
- The corn maiden and other nightmares / Joyce Carol Oates.
- Dangerous laughter : thirteen stories / Steven Millhauser.
- The knife thrower and other stories / Steven Millhauser.
- Assorted fire events : stories / David Means.
- Best horror of the year : 1 / by Ellen Datlow.
- A Walk on the darkside : visions of horror / edited by John Pelan.
- Proverbs for monsters / Michael A. Arnzen
- Borderlands 2 : an anthology of imaginative fiction / edited by Thomas F. Monteleone
- The collected stories of Carol Emshwiller.
- The early Long / Frank Belknap Long
- Owls hoot in the daytime and other omens / edited by John Pelan.
- A touch of strange [by] Theodore Sturgeon
- Fugue state : stories / Brian Evenson ; with art by Zak Sally.
- The Anchor book of new American short stories / edited by Ben Marcus.
- Samuel Johnson is indignant : stories / Lydia Davis.
- Assorted fire events : stories / David Means.
- The secret goldfish : stories / David Means.
- The Barnum Museum : stories / by Steven Millhauser.
- The Mammoth book of best new horror. Vol. fourteen / edited and with an introduction by Stephen Jones
Actually, many of the books on this list fall under headings such as Fantastic (in the tradition of the weird tale perhaps) & Fantasy -- not "horror" -- though guys like Evenson regularly end up in Best Of horror anthologies. But these are all slippery terms so why bother I suppose.

Here is one more review.
I think about Carol Emshwiller and a short piece she penned on writing rules to break, specifically the "leaving out" idea would benefit some of these stories I have been reading. If you have read any of the books on the list above, would love to hear your thoughts.
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